Thursday, October 18, 2012

My first high

So what about you guys, have a memorable story about the first time you got high? Share in the comment box! :) (and sorry about the irregularity. It's hard to find time to do comics anymore...)

Monday, September 17, 2012


It is with a moderately heavy heart that I leave this form of stoner art for another, Legend Metal band Beard.

Stay sweet.

If you like metal, listen to Beard.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Head shop dreams

It's true! I've never set foot in a head shop, or any sort of "tobacco products" shop in my life! It's kind of a dream of mine to see one eventually. I'm sure it's magical. Any of you guys been into some cool head shops, or have a favorite local place to get pipes and the works? 

Saturday, August 18, 2012


As some of you guys may have noticed, I've not posted my usual comic this friday. As it happens, I'm very very busy with college orientation... Sorry sorry sorry!! I intend to post the comic that was originally intended for this friday on this teusday by the latest

Thursday, August 16, 2012

This One Time At A Concert...

Oh those crazy homeless guys...lurkin' outside metal shows.
This is late but it's cool guys, trust me.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Teamwork with finn and jake - a taughtbytragedy comic

For anyone wondering why I'm posting TBT's comic this week, he's having internet troubles. Enjoy his lovely gif comic!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Self Post Fridays

My dog hates trees, its a shame

It's just too hot out

420 uptokes

I thought it would be a nice idea to kickstart the blog by posting all my previous comics. Currently waiting for my new tablet to come in the mail, so there might not be any new comics for a while. Until then, enjoy the first few I've made for r/trees!

Hello readers!

You've seemed to arrive to treetops - an r/trees webcomic project. 

What is treestops? Find out here

There isn't much so far, but posts will start as soon as humanly possible